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Language: A Time Capsule Conversation

Event Description:

Join us for an experimental and open-format discussion on the broad topic of Language. This conversation will explore how language shapes our world, influences our communication, and evolves over time. Guided by a language expert, we’ll dive into various perspectives and experiences from both participants and our guest speaker. Whether you're interested in linguistics, culture, or personal communication, this discussion offers a space to share ideas, ask questions, and broaden your understanding of this essential human experience.

We are honored to have our “Language” topic expert, Dr. Kristen Van Engan, available for questions and will be giving an introductory overview into linguistics. Dr. Van Engan is an associate professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Linguistics at Washington University.

About Time Capsule:

Time Capsule is an interactive platform designed to mark a specific moment in time and space, capturing the evolving thoughts and conversations of our present moment. Just as a traditional time capsule preserves physical markers for future generations, this project seeks to track the evolution of ideas. In a rapidly changing world, where the future remains uncertain, Time Capsule invites participants to contribute their perspectives on topics like Time, Light, and Language—concepts that continue to evolve and be understood. With an inherent belief in the future, this concept offers a space for experimental community dialogue, with a hope that the collective expansion of thought influences a more positive tomorrow.

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